Poster Codes & Conventions
- The purpose of the movie poster is to persuade the audience to go and watch the film
- Normally have a picture and text
- Large text has movie title and actors name
- Other text name of characters, directors, release date, tag lines
- Posters are outside cinema screening, websites, newspapers, magazines
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Codes & Conventions
Codes & Conventions
- Often Romantic Comedies have two protagonist which are normally a male and a female
- They both fall for each other but there is a problem or they can't admit it
- They eventually get together ( happy ending )
- The target audience is normally young teenage girls and older
- The protagonist are both very attractive
- The trailer normally has a voiceover introducing characters
- Often set in a busy area, work/urban environment
- Soft, romantic music
- Gender role for both male and females are typical stereotypes of gender
- Some nude, sexual scenes
- Clothing - smart, quite sexy
- Colours associated - red, pink
- Male Protagonist rather funny, tries to impress lady
How are we going to challenge these conventions?
Firstly we are going to challenge the conventions by making the gender roles less stereotypical, for example in the beginning of the film the girl has a masculine side as she likes to dress like a boy and does not care about the way she looks.
Also we are trying to make the target audience boys aswell as females.
- Often Romantic Comedies have two protagonist which are normally a male and a female
- They both fall for each other but there is a problem or they can't admit it
- They eventually get together ( happy ending )
- The target audience is normally young teenage girls and older
- The protagonist are both very attractive
- The trailer normally has a voiceover introducing characters
- Often set in a busy area, work/urban environment
- Soft, romantic music
- Gender role for both male and females are typical stereotypes of gender
- Some nude, sexual scenes
- Clothing - smart, quite sexy
- Colours associated - red, pink
- Male Protagonist rather funny, tries to impress lady
How are we going to challenge these conventions?
Firstly we are going to challenge the conventions by making the gender roles less stereotypical, for example in the beginning of the film the girl has a masculine side as she likes to dress like a boy and does not care about the way she looks.
Also we are trying to make the target audience boys aswell as females.
Useful Editing tips and Research
- Some trailers don't have many effects they just jump from shot to shot
- Try go with the pace of the music and try make your shots go with the music
- A trailer should structure the film
- The Trailer should not give away the whole narrative
- know the theme and feeling you want your viewer to feel
-Don't make the length of the trailer too long
- Try to sell the story
- Don't put too much text
- Set a budget for your trailer
- Keep the tone going
- Work on the music
- Introduce the main parts ( can include todorovs theory)
- Introduce the characters
Soundtrack - Garageband
I researched on youtube tracks that were made from Garageband, because i felt Garageband was too simple, however I found that you could make nice tracks on Garage band.
On the left hand side is a screen shot of a tutorial video I used from Youtube. It was useful because it showed me the basics and outline of garageband.
Using different programs
For our website I tried different programs as I wanted to make my website look quite proffesional.
Therefore I tried using Dreamweaver aswell as wix.
- Some trailers don't have many effects they just jump from shot to shot
- Try go with the pace of the music and try make your shots go with the music
- A trailer should structure the film
- The Trailer should not give away the whole narrative
- know the theme and feeling you want your viewer to feel
-Don't make the length of the trailer too long
- Try to sell the story
- Don't put too much text
- Set a budget for your trailer
- Keep the tone going
- Work on the music
- Introduce the main parts ( can include todorovs theory)
- Introduce the characters

I researched on youtube tracks that were made from Garageband, because i felt Garageband was too simple, however I found that you could make nice tracks on Garage band.
On the left hand side is a screen shot of a tutorial video I used from Youtube. It was useful because it showed me the basics and outline of garageband.
Using different programs
For our website I tried different programs as I wanted to make my website look quite proffesional.
Therefore I tried using Dreamweaver aswell as wix.
Audience Research
Audience Research
Just Go With It - Pg13
The film is targeted at kids as it is a PG 13, therefore the romantic comedy could be targeted at families because it has Adam Sandler starring in it and it also has a few sex jokes. But I think that the sex jokes and women in bikinis is a bit explicit for kids aged 13. The target audience is both male and females as the protagonist is a funny male character who likes females.
Just Go With It - Pg13
The film is targeted at kids as it is a PG 13, therefore the romantic comedy could be targeted at families because it has Adam Sandler starring in it and it also has a few sex jokes. But I think that the sex jokes and women in bikinis is a bit explicit for kids aged 13. The target audience is both male and females as the protagonist is a funny male character who likes females.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Poster Analysis
Researching Genre
Romantic Comedy:
A romantic comedy is a genre which includes romance in a humorous way.
Typical film normally has two young lovers normally a male and a female.They tend to be likeable, meant for each other but they are kept apart because they are in a complicated situation. E.g. The parents are in the way, they have different class status, or their previous partner are in the picture). But at the end they get together and get married.
Two protagonist don't believe they are made for each other, but the films give us clues that they are, one of them or both of them start to realise that they are meant for each other so either someone in the middle normally a friend may set them up together or one of them confess their love so they get together. But they don't have to get married.
A romantic comedy is a genre which includes romance in a humorous way.
Typical film normally has two young lovers normally a male and a female.They tend to be likeable, meant for each other but they are kept apart because they are in a complicated situation. E.g. The parents are in the way, they have different class status, or their previous partner are in the picture). But at the end they get together and get married.
Two protagonist don't believe they are made for each other, but the films give us clues that they are, one of them or both of them start to realise that they are meant for each other so either someone in the middle normally a friend may set them up together or one of them confess their love so they get together. But they don't have to get married.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Planning ideas
- Natasha mum drink diagnosed with liver cancer
- She's in hospital
- Her last wish is for her daughter to be happy
- so she wants her to stay away from joe (main male) because she dont wanna be left alone
- at end nat crosses road joe screams her name as if she was going to get run over
- sharon and paulina different races...
- dog
Shot of the hand in hospital (camera focus' in and out) move to her mums face
The shot of them in park
ladder shot high hangle - carry ladder in car
Friday, 12 October 2012

1. What makes a movie funny to you?
2. Who is the target audience for romantic comedies in your perspective?
3. What ethnicity/race to you expect to see?
For our questionnaire we took a video of the answers from different people from ages 13+
1. What makes a movie funny to you?
2. Who is the target audience for romantic comedies in your perspective?
3. What ethnicity/race to you expect to see?
For our questionnaire we took a video of the answers from different people from ages 13+
Textual Analysis - Trailers/Music Videos Sharonjit
Textual Analysis
Just Go With It Trailer Analysis The film is distributed by Colombia Pictures which often distribute a range of genres like adventure,romance,comedy.
Happy Madison Productions is an American film company found by Adam Sandler in 1999. Therefore straight away we know the film must be comedy because most films by Happy Madison Productions are comedy.
The first shot is a title sequence which says 'Every guy' ; it is written in blue with a white background showing that the film is not a horror but instead the blue text suggest funny and a happy film.
Roughly has 100-120 shots
The Notebook
The first shot is New line Cinema who is a American flim studio. The genre that is often associated with them is romance, fantasy, adventure but also comedy as they merged with the Warner Bros.

A voice over starts 11 seconds into the trailer.
“Noal was a country boy” The voice over fits in with the shots as you can see Noal is in the country side, therefore he is narrating the story for the audience.
The trailer starts off with Colombia pictures and then changes into a title sequence similar to the trailer Just go with It. However the title sequence says 'Some Guys' it is written in Dark blue, with a light blue highlight and a white background. These colours suggest happiness or fun, unlike in horror films you probably will see red and black symbolises death,horror etc.The title does not just appear it starts on the left and stretches over to the write with a soft 'whoosh' sound.

The title sequence then cuts to the first clip of the trailer where a girl throws her drink on a guy, nods and walks away. This scene fades to black with another text sequence thats says 'Just Don't Understand..' The title sequence is highlighted and stretches over aswell. The next clip shows the guy putting his hands up as if he has done nothing wrong, then he says ' I just asked if it was diet!' this clip links with the next title sequence 'Women' - The title sequence help explain the clips. It also states that the narrative which is mens relationship with women as all together the title sequence say 'Some Guys Just Don't Understand Women'

The next clip is Will Smith looking into the camera saying 'Thats were i come in' - its like he is talking to the audience directly in the trailer and telling them he understands women and can help guys.The next shot is will going up to the guy and telling him why she threw the drink at him and what she should do. He also says 'If there is any problems give me a call' and gives his card out. This reassures the audience that will knows about women and he is there to help guys.The next 3 shots shows the setting which is New York City, borough is Manhattan, where some romantic films are set.
“Noal was a country boy” The voice over fits in with the shots as you can see Noal is in the country side, therefore he is narrating the story for the audience.
The trailer starts off with Colombia pictures and then changes into a title sequence similar to the trailer Just go with It. However the title sequence says 'Some Guys' it is written in Dark blue, with a light blue highlight and a white background. These colours suggest happiness or fun, unlike in horror films you probably will see red and black symbolises death,horror etc.The title does not just appear it starts on the left and stretches over to the write with a soft 'whoosh' sound.

The next clip is Will Smith looking into the camera saying 'Thats were i come in' - its like he is talking to the audience directly in the trailer and telling them he understands women and can help guys.The next shot is will going up to the guy and telling him why she threw the drink at him and what she should do. He also says 'If there is any problems give me a call' and gives his card out. This reassures the audience that will knows about women and he is there to help guys.The next 3 shots shows the setting which is New York City, borough is Manhattan, where some romantic films are set.
Mr deeds
Mr deeds is more of a comedy film but it still consist of romance. What i liked about the trailer is that it made me smile after and made me laugh which is what a trailer is suppose to do.
Friends With Benefits
For my research I carried out a questionnaire, and I found most boys do not like romantic comedies because it is quite 'girly', however they seemed to enjoy one romantic comedy which was Friends With Benefits.
As well as trailers, music videos also has inspired us with different romantic couple shots. The types of music videos we looked at were romantic songs.
From Trey Songz video Simply Amazing.

The shot of the couple kissing shows how in love they are
The shot with them riding the bikes together shows how much fun they have together and how they race each like a 'cute' couple.
The shot with them under the covers really inspired us because the girl looks under the duvet first and Trey songz comes after showing that they will always be there for each other. This be a good shot in our trailer showing how romantic the couple is.
Heart Attack video Trey Songz
The first shot is half a second long, shows the couple taking pictures together but then the shot changes to trey songz by him self then back to a long shot of the couple taking the picture.
This final shot is towards the end of the song is when the couple is in hospital together, we thought this could relate to our trailer because they are still together no matter what's happened. Also the girl is blurred yet they are still together in love.
What I found?
The best romantic comedies are the ones that make you laugh and smile, and not too emotional. Also the song changes half way in trailers from a slow pace song to a fast one as the narrative starts of serious but later funny.
Poster Analysis
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
We found out that most films have a typical 'brainy' person and a typical 'imprudent' person. Also blonde characters are usually stereotyped as being simple. However the screen shot above contrast this stereotype. The blonde women is a plastic surgeon who is intelligent, she does not care about her fashion or looks until her friend asks for her help. So from a Geek she went to a chic. In our film we wanted the main character to have a new look but we wanted her to have a different look instead of a ‘Geeky’ look. So instead of a Geek look we decided to go from a ‘Tom Boy’ look to a ‘Girly Look’ to make a film trailer look unique and different.
It was difficult finding a film were the character switches from a ‘tomboy’ to a ‘girly girl’.Therefore we tried using real life stars to try and get the look we were after. Normally in films such as ‘Just Wright’ the character who plays a tomboy stays as the tomboy and does not care about her figure. She stayed this way and eventually got the guy she wants. She could also be a role models for teenagers as she didn’t change her look to impress.

This is film Just wright and the main female characters has a masucline side to her. She loves basketball and sport.
We are being inspired everywhere we go, by things we see the things we watch and things we do.
Because of today's day and age, technology having a big impact on thr vast majority, mobile phone's are owned by many people - by adding memo's to our phone's we are able to list any idea's we think of/ come up with for our film trailer. This is a simple way of remembering what idea's we may think of as we will be doig this 'on the go' wherever we go even if we are not working on our coursework, wherever we are we can note down our idea's.
One of our memo's is show below as an example:
We are able to add to this memo if we think of or are inspired by any more idea's.
· Mum – Amrit
· Nat – Natasha
· Nat – Natasha
· Shaniqua (Shaniqs) – Sharonjit
· Doctor Singh– Kirpal
· Boyfriend (Joe) – Hariy
· Abdul (Boy that gets bullied) – Aaron
· Teacher (Mrs Grewal) - Amrit
Laquisha is a young teenage girl, who has a troubled home life and gains pleasure out of bullying her peers and people younger than her - however deep inside she is a big soft touch at heart and soon finds out she only has 60 days to live as she has been diagnosed with cancer.
she keeps it to herself, yet carries on bullying other people to try and forget her illness, she finds herself bullying a younger boy with her friends one day and a boy her age stops her and stands upto her. As no one has done so before she is very impressed and finds him attractive, they start to meet and see each other and fall in love, she doesn’t have very long to live and falls for this boy. They spend each minute of every day together and make it all worthwhile and count. However Laquisha tells her closest friend Shaniqs because she doesn’t know how to break it to the boy she has fell in love with. Shaniqs is shocked as she has kept a big secret and wants to help her
she keeps it to herself, yet carries on bullying other people to try and forget her illness, she finds herself bullying a younger boy with her friends one day and a boy her age stops her and stands upto her. As no one has done so before she is very impressed and finds him attractive, they start to meet and see each other and fall in love, she doesn’t have very long to live and falls for this boy. They spend each minute of every day together and make it all worthwhile and count. However Laquisha tells her closest friend Shaniqs because she doesn’t know how to break it to the boy she has fell in love with. Shaniqs is shocked as she has kept a big secret and wants to help her
We have created a twitter account please follow for updates and information on our film trailer - 60 Days.
Twitter: @SSproductionsA2
Research time table

Friday, 28 September 2012
We are being inspired everywhere we go, by things we see the things we watch and things we do.
Because of today's day and age, technology having a big impact on thr vast majority, mobile phone's are owned by many people - by adding memo's to our phone's we are able to list any idea's we think of/ come up with for our film trailer. This is a simple way of remembering what idea's we may think of as we will be doig this 'on the go' wherever we go even if we are not working on our coursework, wherever we are we can note down our idea's.
One of our memo's is show below as an example:
Because of today's day and age, technology having a big impact on thr vast majority, mobile phone's are owned by many people - by adding memo's to our phone's we are able to list any idea's we think of/ come up with for our film trailer. This is a simple way of remembering what idea's we may think of as we will be doig this 'on the go' wherever we go even if we are not working on our coursework, wherever we are we can note down our idea's.
One of our memo's is show below as an example:
We are able to add to this memo if we think of or are inspired by any more idea's.
Follow us and keep up to date with our film trailer!
We have created a twitter account please follow for updates and information on our film trailer - 60 Days.
Twitter: @SSproductionsA2Friday, 14 September 2012
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